Professional Development Plan

Here is my PD plan based on Butler COE Core Values.

Appreciation of Diversity and Similarity

Candidates integrate multiple perspectives of cultural and individual differences into their professional practices, 1) by implementing instructional and assessment strategies that value cultural and individual differences, 2) by communicating in a culturally responsive and respectful manner and 3) by fostering a classroom environment that embraces cultural and individual differences and similarities.

I would like to be sure that I’m:

  • “Implementing instructional and assessment strategies that value cultural and individual differences”
    • In the next year, I will educate myself further about other cultures, really focusing on education in other cultures, but not limiting myself to that, as social customs are important too.
    • When I begin teaching, I want to be sure that I track growth as opposed to success. I want that to be something I stress in the classroom because I don’t want my students to be working hard and think that they’re failing because they can’t do things others can. I want them to grow as a person first, and as a student second. I will be sure to establish this in the beginning of the year. In terms of instructional strategies, once I meet my students and can learn about their cultures (I would like to have them/their parents answer a survey before school starts to be able to prepare) and how they best learn. Then, being able to review that, and even pass it on to future teachers, would be really helpful.
    • “Fostering a classroom environment that embraces cultural and individual differences and similarities”
      • In the next year, I will not only look at cultural differences of those around me, but similarities. When being placed in the classroom, or just walking to class, I want to be able to see how other people live, and really notice, to prepare me to do the same thing once I’m in the classroom.
      • Specifically, I can re-asses how I see those around me, and start to take a journal of cultural observations I’ve made. I can include a column of which I can connect that culture to my own. Just observing and taking notes is helpful to look back on.


Excitement of Teaching, Learning, and Mentoring

Candidates demonstrate breadth and depth of content knowledge with connections to other areas of the curriculum.

  • I would like to be confident that I know what I’m teaching and understand it much deeper than I’m teaching it, whether it be a mathematical concept, a time in history, or a type of artist. I think it’s really important to deeply know what you’re teaching and additionally, it makes the lessons more available for creativity. When you really know and understand what you’re teaching, you can look at it from different points of view, think of different activities (arts integration, specific group work, assigning particular roles for different students)
    • In the next year, I can stay more organized with things I learn, whether it be ideas to use in the classroom, others lesson plans, or background information about concepts I will be teaching. Having a database will better prepare me for my future.
    • When I become an official teacher, I will plan way ahead. Looking at the things my students need to be taught, I will do my best to incorporate more than one concept/subject area in a single lesson. Being really knowledgeable and aware of what I’m teaching will not only benefit my students, but it will make me feel better prepared for the school day.

Candidates develop caring and respectful relationships within a community of learning.

  • I would like to really have a strong sense of community among my colleagues and my undergraduate peers. Being able to share lesson plans is something that’s really beneficial to myself and those around me!
    • We have a Facebook group started for elementary ed majors and I think that’s a great idea! I think really focusing on using it will be great now and to continue in the future when we get out into the “real world”
    • When I become a teacher, I want to be sure that I establish a strong relationship with my fellow teachers. I want to be sure that we are all on the same page when first beginning the school year, are able to share ideas, good/bad stories of the day, and teachers that teach the grade above/below me so that I know what to expect and they know what to expect. We are all a team with the same goal of providing our students with a genuine learning experience and I want to be sure that we all have those same goals and values in mind.


The Challenge of Integrated Practice and Collaboration

  • I would really like to see myself connected with alumni that are current teachers. It would be great to have a mentor when deciding which order to take classes, help with lesson plans, and how to go about student teaching.
    • Reaching out to alumni that I know that have graduated, such as sorority sisters that are currently teaching is something I will do in order to get more experience. For example, I know a sorority sister who is currently teaching at the Integrated Arts school. I will contact her and shadow her a few days just to get good experience and she can mentor me in classwork. I also know a few graduating seniors that I can reach out to in the next year to get “first year advice”.
    • When I become a teacher, staaying in contact with fellow Butler graduates, both older than me and my age. It’s important for me to be able to have a community where I can get advice-big or little- and share ideas.


The Strength of Integrity and Responsibility

Candidates seek and utilize feedback and suggestions from a variety of sources, including students and colleagues. Candidates make a thoughtful and accurate self assessment of professional practices and make adjustments accordingly.

  • For me, these two go hand-in-hand. I want to be really cognizant of my goals that I’m setting right now and be able to take specific feedback from those around me. I want to make sure that I’m really aware of the assignments I’m doing and to really be present in the classroom, both in body (which is something I don’t have a problem with) and in mind (which is something I sometimes struggle with). Goal-wise, I want to reflect each day on what I’ve learned both from my professors, and my students. I want to be really sure that I take notes on the things we did each day and stay really organized.
  • Long-term, I want to do the same, I want to take notes and reflect each day on what I’ve done and what my students have accomplished. It’s beneficial both for me as a teacher and getting to know my students, but it will be helpful for me for the years to come, in knowing what works/what doesn’t work in certain lessons.