Pocket Square by Joshua Gaal

Pocket Square by Joshua Gaal
Always take detailed notes throughout any process piece of art. Detailed notes go a long way.

This current semester I will focus on my passion for Art + Design while implementing Fashion as the foundation. I plan to create Pocket Squares, Ties, and a potential Leather or Wool/Felt garment by the end of the semester. Along with the creation of all of these physical goods, I plan to keep a detailed sketchbook that highlights research and product design, photo & video capturing of the products created, and then align physical and digital to create photoshoots and mock ads to encompass the vision that I have for Men’s Fashion.

January and February has served as the “baby step” months of my Independent Study. I am currently working on my second rendered pocket square and upon it’s completion I look to start my final draft of pocket square design.

Rendring #2
Rendering #2 – Back

The second rendering went smoothly compared to my first rendering now that I am more familiar with not only the general design and process of creating a fabric good, but I am now more familiar with the art of sewing and have used the machine more and more. There are still many challenges that I have to work around and overcome to create the perfect pocket square. But I have the confidence, with a little extra practice and many more runs of production to come, I will be able to feel comfortable enough to wear and promote my pocket squares.

Now that the semester is creeping up on the half way mark, I will also start to shift my focus to a full length tie. Creating a tie is something I have done before in a JCA class called Process. But since I have created that tie last year, I have not gone back and try to better it. March will be the month to attempt to create my second tie. So that is what I am looking forward to next!

Stick around to check out more of what wonderful art is being created here at Butler University JCA and if you want to learn more about me or see more work, check out my digital portfolio at http://joshua-gaal.squarespace.com.


Thank you!

Tweet Tweet: @JoshuaGaal