Archive for August 31, 2011

Colbert on Cloud—head-in-the-cloud

Projects 8.31.11

Today I finished the training on the Info Commons blog (iPad, familiar programs list, handbook), except for the MS Word Survey, I was interrupted when someone came in to ask for help on iMovie/iDVD stuff. That took up the majority of the time today in CAT.

Chinese Government Restricts Social Media

Death of Facebook

iPhone Hacker hired by Apple

Reflection 8/26/11

Hello readers,

This week has come to an end. Classes and work in Info Commons are starting up and about to be in full swing. After only working a few days in the library, and of course after the retreat, I have realized how valuable it is being apart of Info Commons. For example: my PO 490 Senior Seminar class is a writing intensive class in which we work on a series of short writes and discussions that eventually lead to our “senior thesis” as it were. One goal of my professor is to become more active with technology. This is unusual because she is very ‘old school’, does not allow computers in class and will not post power-points online because she states that it deters from people paying attention and taking notes by hand, which she says has a direct correlation to memory retention. However, in this class, once a class we draw a lottery for the next class to see who will be ‘webmaster’ and ‘note taker’. Webmaster starts every class with an interesting article, song, movie clip, etc. and explains why or why not it is political (the title of the class is Everything is Political). We as a class then discuss this media and debate from our previous education and personal experiences whether or not it is political in nature, what the political relevance is, and how it influences society. While everyone is taking their own notes by hand, the note taker takes the classes notes as a whole and uploads it to BlackBoard. It’s the best of both worlds, a fair compromise between the student and the professor. More updates to come on the success or failure of this experiment. As an Info Commons assistant I feel well prepared to do these tasks, and have told my professor that I can assist in helping students in class.

Reflection 8/19/11

What things do I like to do?

I like what I was doing last year in CAT. I worked on media editting projects with iMovie, iDVD, Toaster, Panopto, etc. It was difficult not because I worked nights, but because I worked nights alone so if I had a question it was too late for someone to help.

What skills do I have?

I learn quickly. I’m not an expert in all programs, but I enough of a basic understanding of software, and most programs designed now are user friendly. So as long as I understand what I’m trying to do, then the figuring the interface shouldn’t be too hard. Further skills I have are problem solving skills, critical thinking, creativity, and a sense of humor (yes it’s a skill).


1) What goal do you have for this year to make your Info Commons experience a success?

To become proficient in all social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Tumblr, Linkedin, Google+, Blogger) within a month of school starting. Gain more knowledge about programs that will for CAT and Info Commons.

2) What goal do you have for this year to make Info Commons better as a whole?

Establish things like QuickGuides and templates for future Info Commons and CAT students. The best way to make a strong and useful program is to build upon the work of those before you. We have a responsibility as current students to progress the program for the next generation. Whatever work I can do today to better tomorrow is to be considered good work.

3) What is your feedback on the whole life values and experiences session we had on Thursday?

I come from a background that preaches ‘whole-being’. That is to be a well rounded person. I really appreciated the session on whole life values because it’s an important aspect of doing good work. I believe there is a harmony to life, and while work, school, and life may be separated; it is difficult for the parts of your day to not overlap. Promoting good lifestyle habits and balance will optimize not only work, but also life outside of work.

What do I like that we do and what do we need to improve on in IC/CAT.

Last year, working nights in JH 048, there was some projects that Jeana would have me do. But unless I was given one big project, day-to-day there was nothing I did regularly. What is new to me, are the libguides that correct this exact problem I had. It provides a database for on-going projects, checklists, and helpguides which is exactly what I need if I’m working alone and have questions.