Smart Phone Apps (maybe highlight ones that help you get organized at the beginning of the semester)
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- Rocky has been working on some Screenr videos about primo and our catalog. Maybe we could even use one of the Screenr videos already made in CAT? highlight a technology or something. Then you can even write a snippet on it since we’re short on content anyways. I’ll leave that up to your choosing. Just upload the video to Youtube as well so you can have a merge code. That might be better since last time they preferred one with more of an academic value.
Spotlight a technology available for student use in JH 048 (like Final Cut, scanners, DVD burner, etc.)
- Wacom Intuos4 tablet and photoshop
- Roomwizard II
- Technology Assistance Mon-Thurs 6-9
Need help finding a book, journal article, or with a computer in Irwin Library? The Information Commons staff is here to help. There are multiple ways to get in contact with a staff member other than the Information Commons desk in Irwin Library. Watch this video to learn about them all:
Are you the type of person that needs to stay organized? Do you already have an Android-based phone or iPhone and a weekly planner? Why not consolidate your class schedule and homework assignments to just your phone? With the myHomework you can do just that; keep all your assignments, projects, due dates, and class schedule in a neatly and organized. myHomework provides a calendar feature to store your class schedule and view your assignments, a notification feature that reminds you when when assignments and projects are due, and the layout has a clean and neat design. For more information, visit the App Store page for myHomework:
A full list of applications useful to students, faculty, and staff is available for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry phones at the LibGuide:
New Technology in JH048:
The Wacom Intuos 4 pen and tablet is a new device to the Center for Academic Technology in JH048. This pen and tablet combination allows Photoshop users to mimic their personal drawing style as if they were drawing with pen and paper. The pen and tablet are highly realistic with 2048 levels of sensitivity and various pen tips that allow the artist to simulate multiple brush types. For more information, please visit: