Casey R. Kelly

Photo on 4-15-13 at 12.56 PM


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Media, Rhetoric, and Culture at Butler University. My research explores race and neocolonial rhetoric in film and television, the rhetoric of American Indian social movements, and feminism/postfeminism in US popular culture. I also maintain an active interest in argumentation theory, controversy studies, and US counterpublics. My research has appeared in journals such as Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Feminist Media Studies, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Western Journal of Communication, Communication Quarterly, Women’s Studies in Communication, Argumentation and Advocacy and Advances in the History of Rhetoric. I am currently completing a book manuscript entitled Abstinence Cinema: The Rhetoric of Sexual Purity in Contemporary Film. I am also the Director of Debate and an affiliated faculty member in Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies (GWSS).

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