THE EVENT IS SOLD OUT. See update below for alternative viewing options.
When: Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Where: Shelton Auditorium, CTS, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
RSVP Required
In the recent aftermath of the unbearable number of police killings of young African-American men across the country, we have seen a growing movement of people awakening to the harsh and complex realities of race relations in America. For many African-American families in America, to be black is to be at an extraordinary risk. (Federal data shows that, in recent years, young black males are 21 times more likely to be shot dead than their white counterparts).
In partnership with the Academy of Preaching and Celebration at Christian Theological Seminary, The Desmond Tutu Center, WFYI of Indianapolis, Indiana, and Trinity United Church of Christ of Chicago, the SALT Project (a not-for-profit production company based in Indianapolis) used the “10 Rules” created by David Miller, founder of The Dare to be King Project, as a springboard to create “Get Home Safely: 10 Rules of Survival.” “It is our hope that this new short film format will reach an even wider audience and help save even more lives,” said Rev. Elizabeth Myer Boulton, President and Creative Director of SALT.
“The goal of this event is to create understanding,” said Rev. Dr. Frank A. Thomas, Director of the Academy of Preaching and Celebration. “We would like people from all walks of life to watch this short film and, in doing so, seek to understand both sides of the situation. We can say #BlackLivesMatter and #PoliceLivesMatter.”
This is a collaborative effort of the Desmond Tutu Center and Christian Theological Seminary’s Academy of Preaching and Celebration.
If you were planning on attending the Tuesday evening event, but have not yet registered, the event is full and registration is now closed. However, the event will be available via live stream. Click here to stream the event live.
Dr. Wright will also speak at a Community/Student Forum, Wednesday March 4, from 9:00 – 10:30 am on the topic of “Seven Decades of Black Preaching,” sharing his interpretation of seventy years of African American preaching: its strengths, weaknesses and trends. Though admission is free, those interested in attending must register for the event to assure seating. All attendees, and members of the community at large, are also invited to Sweeney Chapel where Dr. Wright will preach the Black History chapel service at 11:30 am. His sermon is entitled “Who Is My Neighbor?” Click here to register.