Influential words saving me from the depths of solitude.
Never alone, as I have one to show my path and guide me through it.
A soul is given faith, and bound to the contents of the pages when read,
And the grasp of knowledge and security overrules all evil and defiance.
War and bloodshed, havoc caused by a myth.
Endless confrontations, condemned if you don’t follow it,
But follow your eyes because without seeing the truth,
You’re blind.
Protection is key, when in the satanic grasp.
The devils domain is overshadowed by the voice of God.
God is the light, blinding to the shadows.
The followers are rejoiced while the others are left to wallow.
Three days, is eternity without the lord our savior, but he shall not leave us forever.
Resurrection. He dies for us, and he, the invincible, is back.
Only to save us from our sins again.
The mystery of the bible.
Is this thee ultimate structure of the factual religious ceremonies,
Or rumors made up by a drunk who simply has a story to tell?
Never the less, this is what’s accepted,
Even if it’s true or false.
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