I’m sitting again,
on the edge of a cold brick wall,
somewhere between the ruins of my once peaceful mind,
and the intellectual bounties of a world outside.
I’m between two not-so-different places
exchanging glances
with scornful faces.
You see,
in the world that is my mind,
a world that never sleeps,
there’s never peace.
There’s no war,
but it seems the fighting may never cease.
So from the edge of this cold brick wall,
I rise, ready to build my mind with bounties from each of it’s sides.
This wall has begun to warm from light shining on both sides,
welcoming greetings, from a newer, stranger world
of reality,
glad to see me face it.
As for the fighting between me, conscience, and I,
I’m ready to end it.
It’s time to obliterate this wall
so that I may expand a piece OF my mind,
to regain peace IN my mind,
and share it
with the world

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