In the beginning, there was nothing. The Moon Goddess, Keevera, and the sun goddess, Riiiyah, were sitting at the edge of the universe trying to figure out how to create the perfect world. “What about a red planet?” Riiiyah asked Keevera as she began walking out into the universe. “We can sit it closer to me so it will be warm, and you can put water on the ends of the planet to keep it nourished.” Keevera nodded in agreement, and instantly got to work. They built the planet out of clay and hard rock. They put lava in the middle of the planet to give it a heartbeat, and when they were done, they smiled happily at their new creation, Mars. “It’s perfect,” Riiiyah said in happiness. Keevera nodded and walked with her sister to the middle of the solar system. Riiiyah sat down, crossed her legs, held her arms up, palms facing to the sky, and opened her blazing yellow eyes. Her hair blazed a brilliant blue flame, and her skin turned bright gold. She opened her mouth and let out a terrifying cry as she breathed fire and life and warmth not too far from her planet. But, soon after, the planet burned from too much love. Riiiyah cried and closed her mouth, as she cried tears of molten lava.

“How about we try again?” Keevera suggested in attempt to calm her sister down. When she touched her sister, her skin burned, but Keevera was used to it by now. Riiiyah smiled and they got to work. They created a blue planet that was almost pure gas called Venus. The sat it not to far from the petrified Mars. Riiiyah sat back in her place in the middle and opened her mouth to bring warmth to the planet again. This planet did not fry, but when they looked at it, they realized that if they tried to create beings they would die from the gas.

They sighed and tried again. This time they used water, and a new substance called dirt. They put the planet behind Venus and Mars, and when Riiyah took her place….it stayed! They cheered with happiness, and joy. They called it Earth, and Keevera then got an idea. She would shape the planet into a circle and build a rock to orbit it. On that rock, she would watch their planet and see if anyone would try and steal it. There would be many Gods who would try to get their perfect world.

For centuries they watched their planet in happiness. They built beings out of cold blood and scales. They called them dinosaurs and named them all different things. They watched as their planet thrived and lived in glee. But all too soon, that glee was over.

The God of the Heavens, Urinka, and his angels had been watching them for thousands of years. Urinka had his eyes on the moon goddess because she was closest to the perfect world. He hated them for being able to create the perfect world before he did. But he couldn’t help but marvel at the twisted beauty of the goddesses. Of course, the Sun goddess was beautiful, with her blazing fire hair, and her beautiful golden eyes and skin, but the moon goddess had another layer of beauty to her. She orbited the planet on the moon, her pale blue skin shining in the light of the sun, her white-gray rock dress falling gracefully above her long, scaly feet. Her lips were black, and so were her nails, and her eyes. She had no pupils, no irises; instead she had empty sockets with eels in place. Her hair was bright blue water and her eyes were far wide against her head. He wanted the moon goddess to be his, and he was sure he would get her. So he attacked her.

He sent his angels down to attack her, and watched as his most loyal angel, Lucifer, ripped her spirit from her body. Her sister, the sun goddess, was unable to do anything – if she left her spot, her planet would die. The war was bloody. The moon goddess created new spirits that she called “the stars” to fight off the demons, and she watched as they ripped them apart, their blood spattering everywhere and staying in place. Lucifer returned her spirit to Urinka and Urinka gazed at in glee. He would have great use of this.

He sent a block of gas to the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs. He created new beings he made from his rib and a garden where they would grow. Lucifer had long turned against him, and he had convinced the female being to eat from the forbidden tree. Once she had, his beings grew conscious of many things.

He wanted to be a kind, forgiving God, so he forgave them. Soon after they were thriving with children, Lucifer always tried to interfere, sometimes succeeding, sometimes losing. He put the spirit of himself in a baby of the woman. Then he put the moon goddesses spirit in and renamed himself. He was Jesus, the son of God, and his new world was thriving.

The sun goddess wept in the center of the universe, knowing this was all because of the death of her sister and her inability to protect her when she needed her the most . . .

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