A cultivated mind
Is ushered onto the wrong path and the steps backwards are fading
As the sand gets wet by the tears
The dirt is stained
Into the cracked pavement
Adolescents trip as they tries to chase it
Nonstop into traffic
As automobiles only graze them
The headlights lay on the horizon of there thoughts
But if the perspective for this time being was changing
to behind the front license plating
The thoughts of the driver as the direction of the car swerves, swaying
Speeding past the image of child
Because of the bad day and lost of patience
Being laid off from income
Left the driver with clenched teeth
And now laid into hospital bed just waiting
For the medication to settle the pain
From hitting a tree
Loss of money and concentration
Is a small price to pay for the ability to not have to grieve
A split second is the difference between head-on injury

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