Like fireflies
Always easy to catch and misinterpret.
Like rumors.

I am the word master.
Let me spin you a tail out of the midst of my mad mind.
Off the top of my head
just like that.

A mother puts her child to bed
and kisses her goodnight.
Once down the hall she hears a scream.
Her child’s been stolen,

Her bones turn to ice
and she’s cold to the core.
Her husband say’s “it’s alright!”

She wants lies no more!
Rumor has it, he’s been hiding the child
in a cabin that’s quite near.
Sad and desperate the mother searches

and finds what’s been missing all these years….
See, see?
The quality of mystery?
How your brain is now jumping like a dolphin doing circus tricks?

How your eyes are wide open, waiting to hear the end of this?
But I am the master,
I am in control.
I tell you to jump,
you jump!

I tell you to climb
you climb!
With my magical pen, and my brain full of tricks
I write out your life,

The word master!

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