The small ebony colored creature
Walks miles and miles all day,
Searching for crumbs of life.

To you, the blades of grass are skyscrapers.
A tiny dust particle is an elephant.

You work in alliance to build your homes of
Caked mud and crumbling dirt.

You creep in my house when you smell something good.
You like to swarm together on top of a crumb,
All stacked up like a pile of pancakes.

The heavy food you carry on your back must get tiring,
Reminds me of the baggage I carry and can’t let go.

You must be sad because you are always the smallest thing around,
Going un-noticed like a midget exchange student in New York City.

Sorry to say, I do not like you.
I am just too scared.
The thought of you makes me squirm with goose bumps and chills.
I wish you would crawl back into your hill
And NEVER come out.
I hate ants.

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