Poetry is
what helps me co-op with accepting
who I am. Poetry makes me try!
to be someone I don’t know, it makes
me try to understand others and their life.
Poetry to me is more than a form of writing,
it’s a way for me to live.
Yes! Live! it allows me to escape my
hardships of life, bring me to an understanding
of why my father doesn’t love me
or why do people tend to retreat to their secret garden.
But enough about my needs.
Sometimes poetry I write isn’t for me,
it’s for my sister that I love dearly,
the girl that doesn’t know if she’ll decide to take her own life,
to give her the clarity her unbiological brother loves her,
or for the people who don’t know the flip side of a story,
or for a child they will soon say is nothing but a statistic.
Poetry…poetry…it’s poetry.
It’s there you live it everyday. It is life,
it is love, it is loyal to your heartfelt opinions.
So what does poetry mean to me?
That’s a rhetorical question that should be slapped
from every person’s mouth who has to ask.
What is poetry to me?
It’s the parent who sneaks into your room at night
to kiss you goodnight when all is balmy.
What is poetry? The art of rhythmic composition, written or spoken,
for exciting pleasure by beautiful imaginative thoughts…
NOW that’s poetry and it goes hand in hand with
the world’s beautiful people…you.

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