Blared music to shield the agony
Trying to move mountains telepathically
Puzzled by the thought of what goes on around a soul
When the being is unaware of what is happening
The world and its fallacies
False notions spoken when asked about the truth of the pursuit of happiness
A statement that is explained when laughter turns into depression
When curses are a blessing
Knowing forward is backwards
Rapidness is all that is known without resting
Simply sprinting away from signs of affection
Cupid’s bow can only shoot a message in a direction that inflicts infection
That can only be treated with a extended injection of time and rejection
Being attracted to someone that is attracted to someone else is a course
In my labyrinth subjected to digression
Moving on without anyone suspecting is a maze in itself
In a search for someone forever pleasant
Remembering the sting as a twisted love story through certain sections
Reminiscing, skimming through old pictures
Scribbling out the words I’m fine in ink so it remains in the recollections
Hoping not to have to make a correction
To only have to be traumatized by life
And be on heartache’s quest again

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