I may not have the blessing of sight like most people do.
But when it comes to personality, I can see through all of you.
You think that I’m helpless because I don’t have one of my senses.
I lost one of my senses, not my common sense.
It’s funny that I’m the blind one but I can see through your games,
Secretly putting me down with ignorant subliminal message acting as if I’m not going to find out.
I’m BLIND not deaf. I can hear the discrimination in your voice.
I’m BLIND not handicap. There’s nothing wrong with my body.
Sometimes I’d glad I can’t see,
That way I con’t be able to see if your faces are as ugly and repulsive as your attitudes are.
I may not be able to drive.
But my other abilities allow me to perform magnificent
techniques that you’ve never even witnessed before and drive
you into a highway of curiosity and envy.
I’m no Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder
But my level of cleverness will make you wonder.
I guess what I’m trying to say is…
We’re all equal, so don’t treat me as less than
you would want somebody to treat you.
I can’t see you.
You can see me.
But I can see through you.

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