I woke up to a pitch dark space. I couldn’t see anything. I started wondering where I was, and then I realized I didn’t even know who I was! Where am I from? Then it came to me. This has got to be a dream! Then I wondered, Is it a dream? I had to find out.

As I felt around on the ground, I found a medium-sized piece of glass, and I poked my hand with it. Blood started to slide down my hand slowly. Then I knew I wasn’t dreaming. Since I couldn’t really see, I relied on my hearing and touch. I even heard a cat, breathing over a mouse, waiting to devour its dinner.


All of a sudden this loud object fell to the ground. When I stood up, I started to get my vision back. I could see there was a fire escape and a lot of broken windows and a big dumpster. As I started walking toward the object that fell from the window with hesitation, I saw a light pole. I said to myself, I must be in an alley. Then I got to the object. It turned out to be a briefcase. What’s in it?

I went to open it, but then thought to myself, What if it is something bad? What if it’s a bomb?

I picked it up and opened it. There was 250,000 dollars, five passports with different names, but the same face. My face! Lastly there was a 9mm pistol. I stood up and said to myself, Who am I?

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