Times were better when
goldfish went to heaven
and not to the sewer system’s
When, being home didn’t seem
like a chore
When doing chores was expected
and you never knew what a
whore was.
There comes a time in every
adolescent’s life
When they hear the truth
about Santa Claus
When they lie awake
and can’t sleep due to
the yelling in the next room
When claws are gnawing at
your insides, trying to decide if
one drink will hurt them
If on night is too long,
too cold,
better spent
If one hit will rock your
and leave it spinning
or leave you begging for more.
Kids, don’t be so ready to find a
To lose your parents’ trust
Let your grades plummet
Don’t give up
because once will never be enough
and just when you think you’re done
your past pops right back up
in your face
and your drawn toward it
Your stuck
between wheat you love
and what you’ll never get enough of
So hang in there
don’t give up
don’t give in
don’t let the other side win
When they say the grass is always
it’s a lie
Once you cross over
you’ll find
that shiny green grass
wet with morning dew

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