Abraham Lincoln gave speeches of Freedom, more complicated than a circumference. C=πr2 around the world. The Longitude and Prime Meridian. The latitude and the Equator. Hotter than China and dryer than concrete. Unlike a boat circuit of aquatic relaxation and reflection.

Free time and Laziness to the Shimmering fountain in water. The sunset upon congress, Ben Franklin’s the star of it. The Bill of Rights and Constitution. A precedent used for Marbury vs. Madison. Wishing to swim in, the geographic circuit.

It’s like a civil war and a fight for freedom. The puppy love for the star-spangled banner. My sweet land of liberty. Our Independence from Britain. Thomas Jefferson wrote the DOI, The Declaration of Independence.

Our chance to the right of Justice, Law, and Liberty. It’s Independence Day America! have fun and be Free!

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