Dripping, the water clashes against the coal black pavement of the neighborhood streets. Soothing me like Beethoven’s Fur Elise. Eerie, but relaxing, like a hot tub at Syberis Spa, a romantic escape from life’s pressures.

Stress relieving like a back massage from a chiropractor. Soul soothing like a harp. Hypnotic like a violin. Extravagant like a cello. Prius like an organ. Rhythmic like a loved one’s heartbeat. Sweet like the bass drum in a dream.

Heart-capturing like a smooth storm of radiant violet petals. Comforting like the exemplary tempo of a flute. Swishing like the swaying of a composer’s stick. Livening like the “hark” of an angel’s voice.

Fluttering like the flowing chorus of gleaming butterflies. Falling from a piano’s highest key. Placating like a soft droplet of rain hitting a grassy plain. Plop, plank, shhhh.

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