Oh how I love my daisy’s they’re so beautiful I love staying outside running through my daisy’s and laying down watching the stars with them. My boyfriend thinks it’s weird but adorable at the same time. He always asks why I love daisy’s so much I simply reply to there my everything that reminds me of peace. The weeks have past I got very sick and I can’t go outside with my daisy’s like I used to…
I can’t stay out all night like I use to…

So one day I go to the doctors and they tell me I have Leukemia. When they told me I paniced. That day I went home and my mom told me that Leukemia runs in my family. Weeks have past and I’ve gotten even more sick and having more pain then ever so my mom and friends suggested I go to the hospital so they could take care of me. So I did, the doctors took very good care of me but I kept getting even more sick, like each and every day. I lay in my bed liveless, my hospital bed. I died in my bed with my daisy’s. The next few days they had my funeral with me with my daisy’s that I loved so much.

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