As far as I know, we were eating one night. The scent of battered chicken basking in the greased up skillet. The sound of the stove’s roaring fire. But what really got him was an epiphany within a dream. In the dark he followed the strangest sound. He felt for the doorknob and pulled it open. He felt as if he was in a small living room. A record was playing somewhere in the distance; Elvis Presley was singing on the stage with the crowd cheering. Now he could see him.

A voice had startled him. It was of a man with a mature voice and tone.

“You know, he had it good before he met drugs,” the voice said. “Have a seat, William.”

There were glowing red eyes surrounded by a golden body. He had a rainbow-colored Egyptian eye on his forehead.

“Listen to him closely,” he said.

“Aloha oi, aloha oi. Aikio aloha noho ika lepo. One fond embrace. Hello then goodbye. Until we meet again,” sang Elvis.

“He sang that song to his family, because somehow he knew that he would not last forever,” he continued. “Tell me. How do you think Elvis felt when he lost his family because of his delinquent circumstances? I’ll give you a hint. Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.”

In a strong light my brother woke up.

“What happened to you?” I asked.

“Well, this guy visited me in my dream. He told me how important life was and that I should spend it being thankful for my family,” he said.

I was touched, because I knew that guy. I always will, but do you know him?

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