This girl named Imagine is always clumsy around Justin. She’s always daydreaming about Justin. She’s in love with him. She has been for years. Justin loves playing on his piano, he sometimes teaches her how to play. And Imagine on the other hand is very talented, she can sing and dance. She’s an unique singer, her voice is very beautiful. And here’s a weird thing about Imagine, she loves zebras and pickles, hats and she collects a lot of her favorite drinks and cans and others. But Justin doesn’t know that Imagine has feelings for him. And Imagine doesn’t know that Justin likes her. Their friendship is different from others. Their love is different they act like a couple somewhat. Sometimes Imagine second guesses herself about liking Justin. When they hang out a lot, they giggle and have fun. Sometimes when they’re in the movie theatres he makes accents like the characters in the movies. Sometimes Imagine laughs hard ends up getting kicked out. Later on that day, Imagine was talking about a wrecking ball and Justin started singing “I came in like a wrecking ball, I never hit so hard in love.” And started doing the harlem shake.

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