I want to go to Paris
I want to live and breathe
living there.
I wish I could speak French.
I wish I had an accent.
Every night and day is my dream’s hope,
to see that shining light.
I believe that following your dreams
will make you be a believer.
I saw a tall, somewhat short
lady walking past the fancy café wearing
red high heels and a fancy bubblegum
beret. Her clothes were unique and
creative, classy, a fancy polka-dot dress.
In deep, deep within the fashion.
soul and fame. Their accents are different
from most accents. It’s real and true.
The warmth, feeling the fresh air. Seeking
a new journey is awesome, the best way
to be adventurous. The feeling of getting
married in Paris. Going to have a
honeymoon. That would be an amazing and beautiful
sight. Starting down the Eiffel Tower is like
feeling you’re on top of the world.

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