In the vastness of Arizona, before there was a desert, it was covered in water, with only a few islands peeking out of the water. On these few islands lived a few villages of people that had to use boats to travel to other villages. On the largest, most exquisite island lived the Lord of Mesas, Sequato Busak.

Through his spyglass, he watched the villagers. The one who caught his eye the most was a sixteen-year-old commoner named Tutania Sena. She didn’t mean anything to the chief of her village — he who only cared that his village was the smallest, least fertile island.

Sequato wanted to meet the chief to discuss his predicament. He called for his jeweled staff and golden boats. His servants rowed for three days before they reached the smallest island. The chief greeted him.

“Excuse our mess, we don’t have very good lucky in growing things,” he said.

“I did not come for an inspection. Let’s walk to the other side of the island so I can tell you my problem,” Sequato replied.

The chief agreed and they journeyed nine miles to the other side of the island.

“What is your situation, my lord?” the chief asked.

“I have found love in one of your villagers,” Sequato replied. He stared at the ground, but it seemed like the ground stared back, since his eye color was bronze like the ground.

“What is her name?” asked the chief.

“I don’t know. All I know is that her skin is like the darkest almond. Her eyes are as brown as the otters of the lake,” Sequato said.

“You mean Tutania,” the chief said.

“Can I have her hand in marriage?” asked Sequato.

“You must take it up with Inkpotto Plato, the Lone Ranger of our village,” the chief replied.

So Sequato took his advice and went to the potter’s cottage.

“Inkpotto Plato?” he asked when he saw a man with a Western fedora come to the potting room.

“It depends on who is inquiring the services,” Inkpotto said.

“I am Lord Busak,” Sequato said.

“Oh, what can I do ya for? A vase? A pot? A cauldron?” Inkpotto asked.

“None. I want to marry Tutania. I’ll give you all the gold and servants you desire, your own village on the second largest and most exquisite island.” Sequato replied.

“I’ll fetch her at once,” said Inkpotto.

He gave Tutania to Sequato and Sequato gave him his own royal boat with his gold and servants, which then headed for the second largest island.

Sequato took Tutania to his palace on his island and had her prepared for the ceremony.

“Let me go back to my sick father,” she begged.

Sequato was too much in love with her to let her go.

“As soon as the ceremony is over,” he replied.

“Then I will not marry you,” Tutania said.

She ran in her wedding dress to the smallest boat and rowed away. Sequato was so furious that he cursed the land with his staff and made it into a vast desert. He vowed the lake would not come back until he married her.

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