The future in 100 years.

There will be no future. Everything will be over. Nobody would be left. The world will blow up. It would be taken over by cyborgs. Cyborg turtles and their leader Cookie. They rule the water, land and space. And their mortal enemy the CICADA GANG! OBLA! BANG! BANG! SQUAD!

The leader SQUADANAH! he’s large looks like a cicada wing. He sheds everywhere. No one likes him. He is hated everywhere. He’s big nasty and ugly. One day he was flying through the galaxy. There was yelling and screaming. Then his skin broke into 1,000,000,000 pieces. Now they float everywhere. People get them stuck on their bodies, and then they die. There was a gruesome battle between the turtleborgs and the cicada gang. Then the turleborgs won. There was no more SQUADANAH shedding everywhere. No more deaths from the cicada gang. Then everyone lives happily ever after. The end. Unless… oh never mind.


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