Rainbow, rainbow. Where be my rainbow? Locked away in clear quartz until the clouds came, until rain waters the earth. Until the sun shines again.

Rainbow, where have you gone. You were once warm like fire. You once shined like the sun. Now the darkness clouds you, suppressing your power to bring paradise. Black clouds cast an everlasting rain, so the sun can’t bring the rainbow.

All that remains is a clear quartz with my rainbow trapped inside until the clouds go. Until the rain stops. Until the sun shines again. But the sun will die and his beloved the rainbow will die with him. The clouds bring darkness and sadness. The stars mourn for the rainbow’s death.

A new light casts away the clouds. He is the moon, the reincarnation of the sun. The rainbow lives, but she is bound to earth in its puddles of antifreeze. Now leaky cars create the rainbow. The moon is no longer needed.

The black new moon reigns the night with its dark clouds and endless rain. This is where my rainbow lies, its purity trapped in clear quartz.

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