I wonder why chicken is so good, like why chicken
why? I hate how every time I eat one I’m so happy.
Maybe it’s because I’m black I don’t know. One time
I was so hungry during a test I wrote the word
chicken like a bunch of times. By the time I was
done I had written chicken, chicken, chicken on
my paper eighty times. I often eat chicken in my
dream’s. It stays on my mind all day. One time I
punched a chicken! It was on accident though.
I wonder, is that chicken still alive? These
things run through my mind all day. Most
people think the only things in my mind are girls,
food, and death. Ironically, I mostly think
about chicken. I lied, I do think about girls and death
a lot, but mostly in chicken-based scenarios. Like
one time I dreamed I was kissing this girl and all of a sudden
a plate of Church’s extra crispy popped up
and when we finished I ate the chicken.
Or another time I dreamed I died eating chicken.
It was marvelous!

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