Save me paper for eternity. Shred fully in reconciliation because insightful paper dies. Undoubtedly I incinerate useless garbage, but occasionally I live inside. I observe fire, I transform into goo. If trees ever pontificate, then please understand forever. Value fades. Periodically, five is symbolic of a conundrum that faces pressure against logic. That number, nonsensical, often ogles misfortune. Crepuscular smoke darkens; creeping creatures crouch beneath the window. Unnoticed by people passing swiftly by my open door tonight. Fearfully I slither briefly across moonlight forests. Trapped, I cry solemnly because I falter tonight. Physically exhausted continuous fireflies illuminate the trees until the daylight ceases. Master the layout of darkness. Unique computers glow similarly tonight. Beeping horns are bleeding the paths together. Dreaming is frequent in prison, regardless of sleeping. Dismal days drip endlessly. Rotting thoughts intrude my kingdom. Panicking, jumping, tripping. Uncontrollably, yelling, crying, shaking, sleeping sometimes. Forbidden kingdom flies unthinkably across tundra’s. Scarcity instills loneliness. Plentiful food creates an appetized population.

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