People live on a krutch which goes thud, thud, thud,
Because we’re weak in the knees and our backs are twisted.
That thud, thud, thud supports us as our cradle of life, it’s the
constant protection that bounds most men from being different
and imaginative.

That krutch could be a heartbeat going thud, thud, thud,
or love to another person, or fear of an unknown entity.
But God forbid, can we journey our and create a thud, thud, thud for ourselves?
We cant because we’re on a krutch that goes thud, thud, thud.
That’s not my thud, thud, thud, everyone has their morals and based on that
we have our ideals, yet we are too stuck on other’s ideals to create our own

Thud, thud, thud.
My thud, thud, thud is different,
It’s a mixture, between the thirst for knowledge, the reason why we
exist. How my digestive system works or how dangerous syphilis is.

This is my thud, thud, thud.
And now, it’s in control
and it plans for its goals, because goals without plans are wishes.
My thud, thud, thud, is the difference between making love and just getting kisses
because  it always craves for more and more, and a little bit more.

Now, just ask yourself…what is my thud, thud, thud?

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