Who are you?
Are you the one who always gets told
that you should model,
That you have the face for it,
That you are beautiful enough,
That your body and height is perfect?
But then you have a flashback of
being told you are too skinny…
Then you you realize that you were the girl bullied.
So you are that girl…
You can still hear the hurtful words,
“Hey are you from the Wizard of Oz
weren’t you the scarecrow?”
Or the “you’re a NEW–Man.”
Haha, get it New—MAN because
you have the last name Newman.

And to put the cherry on top,
your mother doesn’t make it better.
You get belittled,
So you use to run to your room at
night and cry because
you thought she never cared.
Or was it because she ridiculed you
for, for EVERY little Thing.

That “you need to dance just like
your big sister.”
That “you need to run track like
your big brother.”

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