Death approaches me with a smile.
Life is disappointed because of his arrival.

Sleep truly wants to care.
But for Pain that’s very rare.

Greed always wants something from me.
Love desires me to meet with thee.

Fear is too afraid to seek.
But Rage is not scared nor weak.

Sadness is gloomy and shy.
But Joy tries to lift his spirit high.

Vengeance courses through my veins.
Followed by Revenge’s powerful pangs.

Night falls over me.
Day rises over thee.

Death carried his smile then.
And Life will end once again.

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Will you miss me when I’m gone?
Soon, like the noon breeze
I’ll be gone.
I’ll be down south
in Arkansas
enjoying the trees,
but lamenting the loss
of these friends
who have stayed so dear to me.

Will it even make a difference when I’m gone?

Probably not,
but I gave my heart to this school.
Now it seems all for naught
because after a lot of thought,
I’m just cutting my losses.
I’m abandoning hope,
like all ye
entering here should.
Teachers to be gone,
rights to be wronged,
a future to be longed for,
and I won’t be one more number
lost in the chaotic throng.
raining tears hard
on my heavy heart for
this goodbye
because I didn’t make a greater difference.

Will my absence make a difference?

When I’m gone,
from here to conservative southland,
will my migration
strike heartstrings in the administration?
Course not.

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The dark is rising.
The light is fading.

The poor are dying.
The rich are crying.

The dead are crawling.
The living are dividing.

Your tears aren’t drying.
So keep on fighting.

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Now its time to throw a vicious elbow at an unsuspecting Metta World Peace. Suspended for the rest, Maybe even banned. Wait. We were under the impression that everything had changed. World Peace now seems like a sad mockery of the term. That he had to be. When we spoke. I was blown away. Conviction, contrition, his self -awareness at the mistakes he made in Indiana. And the steps he had taken to get himself right. Maybe you had the same reactions I had when World Peace was leveled. That was the worst. The punch that almost killed. Altered, my life thereafter.

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I’m pinned to the walls.
I’m ready for the ritual.
I’m ready to leave.
I’m ready to die.

They’re just leeches.
They want nothing else from me.
For I am the Scribe.
With a flick of my wrist I can send this world spiraling into the murky abyss.
But I can also clean the slate of mankind’s wrongdoings.

I was nothing before I exposed my abilities to them.
I was a nobody, and now they worship me like a god.
But now they figured out the secret.
The secret that will change everything.

And now I am bound by leather.
And now they’ll paint the walls…

With the blood of the Scribe.

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