Protests in Hong Kong

I recently have been researching and reading about the current protests and issues in Hong Kong. I stumbled upon an article about events that have been cancelled due to the uncertain circumstances of the country. The article talked about multiple events that have been cancelled in Hong Kong. These events include; A tennis tournament, concerts, soccer games, and a traveling performance of “Matilda.” The reasons for these events being canceled are due to the uncertainty of safety for the athletes, performers, and attendees. If you are not aware of why these protests are happening, it is a protest of the Chinese government. Hong Kong is semi-autonomous from China. This means that Hong Kong does not have full control of their affairs, and are under the rule of China. The protests orignially started after a bill proposed about extradition. After the protests started in June against the extradition bill, it has gained prominence and support. Now the protests have the goal of full independence of Hong Kong. I believe that Hong Kong should be its state and should gain full independence from China, but it will be hard. The Chinese government pushes large amounts of propaganda out, including having fake social media accounts criticizing the protests. The Chinese government also has strict rules of what the people under their rule can post on social media, and what they can see. The protesters are showing persistence and bravery by protesting the Chinse government for all of these months, and I hope that they end in independence soon. I will continue to follow the news regarding this issue because I find it to be very interesting.

Here is the link of the article:

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