In the second half of Tao Te Ching, number 68 really stood out to me. It talks about how it is never good to be aggressive or have a bad temper. I think this is super important, because in real life, such negativity doesn’t get you anywhere. It is important to be patient and understanding when stressful situations arise, and it is important to be polite and nice in order to be successful as a human being.
Since we have finished the Tao Te Ching, I was browsing the web looking at ways that this can be connected to life in ways other than what we discussed in class. I came across this article that relates it to Jewish teaching, therefore also relating to the Old Testament side of Christianity. As a religion minor, and just someone who is fascinated by the subject in general, I found it interesting to see that someone wrote a book meant for the Jewish community that sort of relates to something that is definitely not Jewish. While I am also not Jewish, I still found the connection interesting, and might have to add the book to my reading list at some point.
Always happy to see students in a core course like GHS making connections to their majors and minors – but especially when the minor is in Religion! 🙂