Class discussion 9/24 good and evil

Is the survival instinct selfish? Do we cooperate because we have a desire to help people? We can start this discussion with the terrible twos. Nature and nurture play a role in our sense of good and evil. We are testing our limits and seeking attention when we are two. We are learning and being punished for actions. Personally, I had to figure out how to word my arguments in class because I am a religious person, so my answers and beliefs are from the Bible. I think of Genesis and how in the beginning it was good, but because Adam and Eve sinned, sin entered the world and every human being born has a sin nature. All instincts that we have were good but are now tainted with evil. For me this question is easily answered in the Bible. Do we do good things because of rewards/ punishments? Even in the Bible it talks about faith and good works. Am I doing “good works” because that is what I am being told to do or do I genuinely feel doing good works is the right thing to do? I have been taught that when I do a good thing, I do not need to be praised for it. So, if I genuinely do a good deed and I know I will not be recognized for, it is that still selfish? We can agree to disagree.

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