I really enjoyed this reading assigned, in particular, the section “The Mother of Mencius.” It made me really happy to see how much of an impact a mother has on their children. We tend to take for granted the support and push our guardian(s) give us. Without the support system, would we have gone to college? Or thought we were good enough to get a High School Diploma? Or maybe even asking your crush out, applying for a job, crying over a math problem, etc. Who was there every time? To motivate you and inspire you to keep working hard, giving all your effort, and pushing you to do your absolute best. For me… it was my parents, my friends, my teachers, and even some neighbors (the nice ones). Without this system, a lot of us would stop/give-up and the cycle for pushing the generations after us would dwindle down, and people would miss out on numerous opportunities. This support not only benefits the children, it also creates a good relationship between parent(s) and children. If you want some more encouragement on how a parent effects you, check out this blog, it explains more on how much an effect our parents have on our academic paths. Consider giving your parent/uncle/grandparent/ or whoever influenced you growing up and still does, a good ole call and thank them.