The dynasties discussed are the Qin (256-206 BC), Former Han dynasty (206-8AD), and Later Han dynasty (25-220 AD). Women are discussed throughout the dynasties. Women were expected to first obey her parents, then obey her husband, and then lastly obey her son. They were expected to be humble to display her low status and respecting the men above her. They were always not supposed to act appropriate. We can compare that to the US. The US used to have similar views on women. It wasn’t until 1929 when women could vote. We have slowly been giving women equality with men.
During the Han dynasty, the silk road was very prominent. Roman women were able to acquire silk from the Chinese. This allowed different cultures to interact with each other.
During the Han dynasty we see Confucianism. As the Han dynasty declined, Neo-Daoism became popular. Afterwards, around 500AD, Buddhism had spread all throughout the country. This caused a unified nation in China instead of just being a group.
Cross cultural things discussed is language, selfishness, and gender roles. We can compare how China has different dynasties with different emperors who had different thoughts and beliefs and the US’s president. Our president gets voted into office who promise change and each election we get a new president with a different goal.