ICR: Visit to IMA 10/17

On the 17th of October, a few classmates and I journeyed to the Indianapolis Museum of Art to see some of the exhibits that expressed Asian culture and art as well as art from the related time period. I had never been to the IMA before and it was extremely fascinating. The garden area was huge and beautiful and the exhibits were spectacular. The one exhibit that was the closest relation to class was a Samurai exhibit that held a private collection of all sorts of ancient Japanese artifacts along with the history of the different objects. This exhibit was connected to an exhibit that displayed ancient Chinese artifacts, such as silverware and clay pots and pans, most of which were from the Ming dynasty. There was a really neat piece from the Oriental period which I thought was fitting for our course so I will attach a photo of that as well as a photo of one of the Samurai uniforms from the Japanese exhibit.

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