Islam and Christianity

After class today, I began thinking of the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam. We talked in class about some of the similarities and differences between the Qur’an and the Bible but we did not discuss the religions in general. Both the Qur’an and the Bible have similar people in them such as Abraham, Noah, Jesus, Mary, Moses, Adam and Eve. I also noticed that the format of both of the books were similar. Each Surah is similar to the different chapters of the books of the Bible and the Surahs had different numbers within them, similar to the different verses in the Bible. In class, we discussed how this format is similar to how poetry is read. I had never thought of the format of the Bible as being similar to poetry and with the line numbers, but now that it was mentioned, it makes sense to me. There were also some differences between the two books mentioned in class. One of the main differences that were mentioned that I also noticed, was that the Qur’an seemed to be “random” when reading it. While reading the assigned Surahs I had attributed it to the fact that we were not reading the Surahs in order, but I did then read the second Surah and noticed that it did not necessarily follow the first. To some, reading the Bible, I know that it may seem out of order or random, but Genesis 1:1 begins with the creation story, which is basically the beginning of everything that follows for both Christianity and Judaism. This website also talks about some of the main differences between Islam and Christianity. I found this website interesting as it shows the differences in a chart. I appreciate this as I feel I am more of a visual learner and it is a fairly simple list, but covers many different topics. 

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