The Pen, was one of the Suras assigned that stood out to me more so than others. Number 7 states :”Verily your Lord knows those who have gone astray from His path, and He knows those who are guided on the way.” In my opinion this made me think of some words that Christians and Catholics say when it comes to faith. For example, whenever someone is in a struggle or having a hard time in life, many people will give the advice along the lines of “he has a plan for you.” As well as, many people will say “don’t lose faith,” meaning to not give up, think things through, and even ask for some guidance to overcome the barrier going on in your life. I remember when I was a child, I lost a toy somewhere and I was devastated (like any other child who would be), however, my mom said pray and ask for help. Not only did it calm me down but made me clear my mind and I was able to remember where I last had it. Even though, that sounds so simple I think even the simple things can be barriers throughout life, but theres a plan for everyone. No one can predict their life or plan it themselves. For example, at age 16 someone can’t say they will be getting married in the year 2024. Yes, they can say it but they don’t know that, they could get married well after or even before then. Moreover, those who do not give up their faith, keep patience, accept guidance, and uphold their faith, won’t astray from his path he has for you. This article relates to what I have felt while reading the Qur’an. Also it goes more into what was discussed in class on how the Bible and Qur’an are different but can both give faith.