Readings for 10/29

I enjoyed reading the Quran because I have never really explored other religions and it was very interesting to compare the book of Islam to the Bible in class. We talked about how it was a guide on how to live and think, like the Bible and like the Tao Te Ching from the last unit. I did think it was very random, which is different than the Bible. But they both share some similarities in the way they present ideas for the reader to interpret on their own to an extent. This can sometimes be confusing, and the stories may seem super unrelatable until you dig deeper. We talked about the ways in which the Quran talks about violence and began comparing it to the Bible’s talk of violence. While some excerpts from the Quran were rather gruesome, like the example on page 102, I believe that the Bible portrays violence in a similar way. I can’t think of the exact story or where in the Bible the story can be found, but I remember hearing a story and maybe watching some of a movie when I was younger in which the violators of God’s word were stoned to death.

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