More Qur’an vs Bible (Oct. 31 Class)

I particularly liked the reading we had to do in preparation for class, because it came from the Qur’an, but we were also given passages from Genesis as a supplement. I knew that there were connections between the two texts, but I never actually took the time to go through and find those connections myself. I liked that it challenged me to think a little bit deeper and read two texts that I would normally consider to be different. Because of this, I am probably more inclined to read religious texts a little deeper and think about what I have learned from other texts or readings that I have not only read in this class, but my other religion classes as well.

I was a little disappointed to see that this day was the last day we would be reading directly out of the Qur’an, so I just might g through and read some of the parts that we didn’t read that stand out to me. I have flipped through a little bit and marked the pages that look interesting to me, so now it is just a matter of if I get the time to sit down and read them before I have to turn in my book at the end of the semester!

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