Like most items in Islamic culture, I was extremely unfamiliar with the Hajj and ideas that surround it. It was a pretty confusing concept at first, most likely because there is nothing like it in Christianity. I learned that the Hajj is sacred and specific to Muslims which implies that not just anyone can make the pilgrimage and visit Mecca whenever they feel like it. It is a very scheduled tradition that happens annually. I found it interesting that it is required (for those who have the means to make the pilgrimage) for all Muslims at least once in their lifetime, again probably because a religious requirement this large is so foreign to my beliefs.
I was really fascinated with the whole concept of thousands upon thousand of people of the same religion coming together to worship at such a sacred place. I cannot imagine how powerful of an experience that must be and how fulfilling of a feeling that the Hajj must create for Muslims.
The documentary was extremely easy to watch and I am very interested about the Hajj and the tradition now. I would love to learn more about it and continue to grow my knowledge on the Muslim religion in the future.