The Qur’an and Translations.

While studying the Qur’an at Sunday school for my service, we actually studied and read from an Arabic Qur’an. We were given the book and then were instructed to open to a certain Surah. The Arabic language is read from back to forward. It took me a good five minutes to try and figure out the correct page and Surah that I was supposed to be on. The Qur’an was fully in Arabic, including the numbers, so I could not find the right Surah due to the fact that I do not know Arabic numbers. After finally finding the correct Surah, the teacher read the Surah in Arabic- which was beautiful. We watched that video in class of the man reciting a Surah, and the teacher also recited in kind of a song and it was very impressive and interesting. After she read the Surah in Arabic, we got out a translated version of the Qur’an and read the Surah and analyzed it in English. The Surah was about how Allah is the guide, just like how the night time was a guide. It talked about helping non-believers in finding their way to Allah. It was interesting seeing the translation of the Qur’an because there were a lot of words that were in parenthesis, which makes me think that the translation was not exact. Seeing the two Qur’an’s next to each other was really interesting. I attached a photo below of the two Qur’an’s next to each other.

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