Why More Latinos in the US are Leaving the Catholic Church for Islam

Today about 8% of all Muslim American adults are Latino, contributing to a growing trend of Islamic converts. In interviews Latino converts stated that they were drawn to Islam because of the intense devotion to God, a simplicity in faith, and a focus on the community that they failed to find in their former faith. However, converting from Christianity to Islam is not an easy task, as these people are breaking ties with their families and changing their entire livelihood which was once encapsulated by Christianity.

This trend is also coming into fruition during Donald Trump’s presidency. Latinos and Muslims both feel targeted by President Trump’s rhetoric and escalating anti immigration policies. Muslims have had to deal with their negative media depiction ever since the 9/11 attacks, combine this with President Trump’s rhetoric and you have a group fully prepared to fight for their image. Latinos are connecting with Muslims on this issue, feeling the heat as talks are constantly being held over illegal immigration and anti latino comments in general.

The trend is seeing its largest uptick in major metro areas such as New York City, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Houston. About 56% of Latinos converted from Catholicism while the remainder converted from Protestant, or secular or atheist faiths. Not all people are the same and therefore not all converts follow the same conventions. Some converts decide to wear a hijab while others do not, while some still enjoy traditional holidays like Christmas when others do not. No matter what ideology who believe in, it’s interesting to see a demographic shift in America.


Source: https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/2019/12/02/growing-number-latinos-nj-converting-islam/2567295001/

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