Before the talk that Dr. McGrath gave about robots and religion I have never ever thought about there being a possibility of having robots as priests. When I think of robots I think of something that is metal, cold, and lifeless. I feel like it would be very hard to replace humans in many different jobs and I feel that religious ceremonies are one of those jobs. When someone goes and talks to a priest they usually want help or prayers for something, I feel like going to a robot makes the advice or prayers a lot less sincere. Having another person think and pray for you means that they are taking time and energy out of their busy day to try and help you, but asking a prayer robot for a prayer seems like it would mean much less, just because that is the job of that robot.
Another thing that could pose an issue with robots in religion could be advice, how are robots going to know what to tell people when they ask for advice if they haven’t experienced what that person is going through. I guess if the robot could have access to google it could give some examples, but if that is the case then people should just google things and cut out the middle man of the robot. Even when a human priest doesn’t know what type of advice to give, they most probably know someone who has gone through the same issue you have and they can put you in contact with someone who can help.
I brought my boyfriend Logan to the talk, because it sounded interesting and for the extra credit! He told me he thought it was a weird idea to have robots in churches and possibly could be seen as insincere. Neither of us have heard of anything like this before and it was an interesting thing to think of! Maybe in the future there will be flying cars and robot priests!