Bomb Blasts in Afghanistan Kills at Least 62 People

Two bomb blasts that took place in Haska Maina, Nangarhar has claimed 62 lives. In addition, 50 people were also injured from this bombing. This attack took place inside a mosque during a weekly Friday prayer session. The Taliban refuted their involvement in the attack but commended whichever group will eventually claim the attack. As …

ICR Reflection: Visit to Newfields

Over Fall break Benny Ko was kind enough to take James, Cameron, and I to Newfields to walk around and explore the museum in general but also to obtain a deeper meaning into Asian history (especially Chinese). We started the trip by walking through the beautiful landscape surrounding Newfields. There was a very interesting tree …

ICR Reflection Journal: Experience 1

For our first involvement with the Indianapolis Chinese Community Center, our group leader Benny, who you probably met in class when he visited, took us to the Indianapolis Museum of Art, now called “Newfields”. We walked around the museum, taking strong observations as to what events were occurring in history and with the development of …

GDP and Infrastructure: Chinese Ghost Cities

China’s economy is talked about for many reasons, one being that by slightly liberal estimates, China will overtake U.S. as largest economy in the next 15 years. When we talk about the Chinese economy and its staggering growth, we need to talk about their real estate market and the ghost cities that have ensued. This …

Recycling In China and How It Affects Everyone Else

Personally, I am a very avid recycler. In the past couple years, the process of recycling and disposal of waste, has been highlighted with some major emphasis on the great Pacific garbage patch and how it affects the health of our oceans. Many of us are asking “Who is to blame? What was our role …

China Today: food This article is about China’s food availability for their population. According to China Daily, China has been intensely working with other countries to find solutions for the hungry. China’s population accounts for 20% of the world’s population, and they produce 25% of the world’s food on their farmlands. This article makes China look like …