At the Weekend School on Sunday we had a pretty short class. There was only one student for each group, so instead of doing any real assisting, I got to sit down and learn with our only student. We read Surah 86, “The Night-Visitant” which talks about how to treat non-believers, and how to guide …
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The Hajj: Connections from service and Class
While at a service banquet I attended for my service at Nur-Allah, I met a family that consisted of the parents and four grown daughters. The parents of the family were given an award for pioneers of the year, and within their award acceptance, they spoke about the Hajj. They were introducing their daughters, and …
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Fleeing Visitors Welcomed Back? Draft Dodgers in the States? 11/19/19
While reading Chapter 10 in Aslan, we hear early on about how many families and children escaped Iran in a time of need for safety and allowing for their children to miss out on military duty. In this chapter we see how the life of people can change rapidly for those who were able to …
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International Festival 11/9
This was my second day volunteering at the International Festival at the state fairgrounds. Overall I would say it was a similar experience to the first day with some minor differences. All of the booths that were there on the first day were also there on the 9th, which gave me a chance to discover …
The Qur’an and Translations.
While studying the Qur’an at Sunday school for my service, we actually studied and read from an Arabic Qur’an. We were given the book and then were instructed to open to a certain Surah. The Arabic language is read from back to forward. It took me a good five minutes to try and figure out …
Service 11/17/19
For this weeks’ service at Nur-Allah, I assisted in helping the lesson on why Islam is their religion. There was only one student today so there was not a lot of assisting to do, but instead, I just listened and learned from the Sunday school teacher. The lesson began with listening to a speech from …
Democracy & Islam
Being a Political Science and International Studies major, I have studied democracy in multiple countries across the globe. I found chapter 10 in “No God but God” about democracy and Islam to be quite interesting. When Iran was adapting to a new democratic government, I find it quite interesting that they decided to do one …
Drum Circle!
I was so glad that we got the information about the Center for Citizenship and Community Drum Circle! I had no idea it was going to happen, and it was a really special thing to go see. The students participating were part of the drum circle that sounds like it’s part of a Butler ICR. …
Revolution in Egypt
I have been trying to follow up on recent news going on in Egypt since I am for one trying to catch up on everything going on around the world these days. However, I did find some very interesting information going on in Egypt, from the New York Times. This article was about how a …
Six-Day War
Howdy there, this weekend I went home just because why not. AND I was talking about this class with my brother…well my dad being his wise, knowledgeable, and history self had to step in. I never mind talking about history with my dad its just I was tired and yes this talk went from nine …