Need More Tranquility In Your Life?

Status Update: Unplugged

Our digital tools help us work, learn and connect faster. With the advent of smartphones and tablets, time spent using mobile devices has increased 70% in the U.S. since 2012.

More than two-thirds of teens own smartphones and a third own tablets. And many adults are also relying more and more on their mobile devices for work, social media and web-based entertainment.

However, too much time spent online with any device can lead to what the American Psychiatric Association calls Internet Use Disorder. Signs include using the internet to escape responsibilities; spending more time online; discontinuing other interests; and trying unsuccessfully to reduce or stop online usage.

Researchers are learning more about the mental effects of heavy technology use — teens and adults alike can develop mental health problems including sleep disorders, depression and stress.

Is it time to downsize your daily cyberspace quota? Try this:

Use an app that monitors phone and, yes, app usage.

List things you’ll do when you unplug.

Set boundaries for plugged-in time for you and your kids.

Identify networking activities to omit.

Unplug to enjoy other pastimes.

Exercise — every hour of screen time means time spent sitting.

Post away messages so everyone knows your response schedule.

Digital tools are designed to make life easier, not to dominate it.