November 2012 archive

Holiday Survival Guide: The Whole “Eating Right” Thing

When it comes to working out, it is easy to find a buddy and hit the gym.  Even if we cannot squeeze in a full session, a lot of fitness enthusiasts manage to work in 15-20 minutes.  However, when it comes to the Holidays, we become bombarded by work parties, family gatherings and other social …

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Pumping Iron with Some Holiday Cheer!

As I sit here, trying to push through these next few weeks before the semester ends, I flip through Pandora Radio in search of a Christmas playlist that will add a little “Holiday Cheer” to my studies; as I was filtering through Mariah Carey’s “Christmas” and The Beach Boys’ “Little Saint Nick,” the GREATEST idea …

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Indy Monumental Half Experience

Although a little over two weeks have passed, I cannot help but continue to reflect on the Indy Monument Half Marathon.  Perhaps it was the idea that a lot of people in the Butler/Indy community were also doing it, so going into it I already had a sense of family.  During my training, I received …

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Staying Fit on the Fly

Dinners, travel and family and friend time make it hard to sqeeze in some gym time.  The good news?  In order to stay on track this Holiday Season, you do not need fancy equipment — just yourself.  Here are some basic bodyweight workouts I have put together for you to do at home either by …

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November’s NO FEAR GEAR!!!

This month, we are not really focusing on “gear” per se, but rather sounds.  Finals are approaching, we’re beginning to travel and it takes a little more effort to make it to the gym.  However, to spice up your routine (both inside and outside of the gym), add a little music.  Have Christmas come a …

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