January 2014 archive

Setting Some “Souper” SMART Goals with Brooke P.

Didn’t make a New Year’s Resolution this year?  Have some goals you would still like to set?  It’s not too late!  Whether you are still trying to figure out some goals for this year or if you are having trouble sticking to the one’s you’ve made, Brooke P., R.D. is here to help us set …

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Permanent link to this article: http://blogs.butler.edu/hrcblog/2014/01/27/setting-souper-smart-goals-brooke/

January Jogger? Try this NO-Fear Gear!

I have posted about watches in the past, but this time around I would really like to point out one in particular.  Thanks to Santa Claus, this Christmas I received a Polar RCX3 watch.  First thought: holla!  As a distance runner, I praise watches and anything that will help me pace, but this honestly is a …

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Permanent link to this article: http://blogs.butler.edu/hrcblog/2014/01/16/january-jogger-nofear-gear/

Need a Lift, Bro? January’s Monthly Challenge

Of course, you have your yogis, your bodybuilders, your dancers… I would have to say I am a cardio queen.  I enjoy a good run, fast-paced walk, sports (like tennis).. anything that will get my heart rate going and my body moving.  We all have our favorite “things” when it comes to working out, but …

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Permanent link to this article: http://blogs.butler.edu/hrcblog/2014/01/16/lift-bro-januarys-monthly-challenge/